Meet the Elegists

lilka palokangas prohm


This Elegist is particularly interested in political theory, political philosophy and gender studies. They are interested in exploring and questioning how theory shapes everyday realities around us, as well as how to link theories with praxis.

Pippa Cowtan


This Elegist has an interest in the political world, specifically injustice, and uses writing as a tool for exploring these themes and learning how to fight injustice in everyday life. They typically enjoy writing in an academic style, but are looking forward to expanding on their writing style and learning in what ways they can develop their activism through the opportunity that this collective creates.

Juniper Everdeen


This Elegist is particularly curious to explore the interdependent nature of various systems of oppression, such as that of neoliberalism, the patriarchy, and colonialism. They believe that the reimagination of society requires an inquiry into the manner in which these systems have historically developed together and relied on each other.

Slow Pavlakis


In the spaces between things that we think of and don't, I like to find a way to explain them for myself. Any media.

Ana Gram


This Elegist likes exploring feelings and ideas, conversation, collaboration and community. She enjoys to illustrate and their discipline is fashion.

Regina Avendaño trueba


This Elegist is intimidated by self-definition and bios, but is interested in radical philosophy, collective investigations into meaning and social change, as well as poetry. 

Bella aleksandrova


Bella cares about strengthening social relationships through art, zine-making and poetry. she produces community events and workshops, and has published 2 poetry pamphlets in 2023.

elena cruz


Elena Cruz explores the ways individual stories reflect and form social structures. Often mixing humour with an analytical lens, she places personal moments within the context of the political economy, exploring concepts such as wealth accumulation, transience, equity, and truth.

Mary salcedo


This Elegists likes to dissect and use people's character as a driving force for their work.

Anna french


I feel very connected to source and nature and a lot of my writing reflects this. I feel passionately about the urban/nature gap in big cities and the effects lack of green spaces has on health. Hobbies include enjoy finding the beauty in everyday life through photography and eating delicious food!



I am interested in the visual/multi-disciplinary arts and education, and the importance of interaction and un-comfortability when experiencing or dealing with 'the political'. Fascinated by fairytales and taboo , their influence in Gender theory and Language whilst maintaining certain societal expectations. More specifically, why these stories and imagination is directed to specific ages, and how the loss of play as an adult impacts the way you interact amongst communities.

Julia Barony Viana


This Elegist is interested in taking a psychosocial approach to our themes, making sure to bring in aspects of the self, society, and spirituality. They also enjoy taking a more emotional and abstract approach in their artwork.



This elegist is a singer-songwriter and front person of Swamp band.

gEORGIA Sherlock-Taylor


Drawn to the forms of the human condition my work often revolves around Queer vernaculars, uncovering them and redefining historical narratives in such forms. Utilising photography and film to enhance such explorations and as a practice of human connection.